Teaching Plan


Estefania Montemayor National High School use the K-12 Currciulum. The current K-12 program in the Philippines, which was implemented in 2012, covers kindergarten, six years of primary education, four years of junior high school, and two years of senior high school to prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment and entrepreneurship

Teaching Plan

The lesson plan was made before the final demonstration. My mentor; ma'am Esther, ma'am Contreras  and some of the teachers board helped me a lot with this because the lesson was a continuous lesson of Oral Communication taught by Mrs. Contreras. Due to my inexperience of making a lesson plan, even Indonesian lesson plan, I used the Philippines' lesson plan construction template to make my own lesson plan with modification suggested by the mentor after to touch some things.

Demo Teaching:

Grade              : XI STEM

Subject            : English

Topic               : Lesson in Oral Communication, Types of Speech Context

Time to Teach : 60 Minutes

Judges             :

  • Esther Marie Ladines Gayoso
  • Lady Rose Contreras
  • Erlyn F. Lauron
  • Marie Jullie S. Lademora




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