Teaching Practice

1.1       Procedures of teaching

Before starting demo teaching, my coordinating teacher and I prepared the classroom to be used for demo teaching, lesson plans, and also learning media. Due to my throat was bloated, my voice can not be louder than I have to. So, I prepared a

Learning begins by greeting the students. After greeting, the activity continued with praying together led by one of the students. After that, I took class attendance and counted how many students were absent that day. Before proceeding to the main learning material, there is a review of MY previous meeting material, regular and irregular nouns.

In the learning procedure, there are 8 activities which have previously been described in the lesson plan :

1. Introductory Activities

2. Presenting Examples

3. Engage

4. Explore

5. Explain

6. Elaborate

7. Evaluate

8. Giving Assignment

1.2       Time management and organizing activities

Learning time in one period is 60 minutes. I used the first 10 minutes to do Introductory Activities and examples, 20 minutes of engaging, exploring and explain, and 20 minutes for evaluation, and assignment. During the teaching demo, before going to the evaluation, I realize that there are several minutes left before the class ended, so I decided to play a little improvisation game related to the material. The game we were playing was guess gestures and speech related to the material.

1.3       Classroom management

The STEM Grade 11 class has the characteristics of students who are attentive to the teacher who is teaching in class. During observations and teaching demonstrations, it was not difficult for me to organize the class so that I could focus on the learning process. I just use the method of calling all students by saying the word "Students!" to get their attention. The part where I lack control is when I have to give them an assignment. The students was eager to have a group work instead of individual, so in turn I gave them group assignment in addition with the assignment I already gave them on my presentation.

1.4       Problem-solving while teaching and staying in the designated school

I didn't have many issues while working as a demo teacher or attending classes. Making the lesson plan and learning resources was the only difficult task I had to complete for the teaching demo. I have to consider what activities I should carry out in the lesson plan and what I will do because the lesson plan is much simpler than the lesson plan in Indonesia, but the details about the activities carried out are much more detailed. It could be argued by my buddies where I asked them help of that my only issues was my inexperience of constructing a proper lesson plan.

Regarding the media and presentation, I got a bit lost about what I have to do during the engagement part. Thankfully, grace upon to Mrs. Esther who suggested me to use Rebus, a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of pictures and individual letters to create an atmosphere that will intrigue the students.

1.5       Others ( Documentation )


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